Monday 20 September 2010

Never ignore the facebook friend request again!

confirm not now

I have been waiting for this feature for a long time. Since I joined facebook I had a lot of friend requests from people that I have never met, or I though I didn’t or from people I didn’t want to have as friends in facebook. So what I had to do till today was to either “ignore” them (which is not the best option and I will explain way either let them in the friend request list of mine. Till now I had 187 people on this list, but thanks to the new feature of facebook it’s 0 now!!

One  of the worst things in ignoring someone in facebook was that they could be notified from facebook that they are ignored or that they will be able to “add you as friend” again. But what if you don’t want?

not now facebook


The new way that you can manage your friend requests is the “not now” button. That means that you do not ignore the person but neither accept it, but put it on a waiting list for as long as you want. If the time comes and you want to add as friend one of those people you can go to the hidden requests list and accept them.

No ignoring and being rude anymore. No list of hundreds of “waiting friend requests”.

You can just say “Not Now”



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