Wednesday 1 September 2010

Never miss your favorite news


Being up-to-date is very important in 21st century. News are coming out everyday, every hour, minute, second. But it’s almost impossible to find all this information in the chaos of internet. Luckily for you there are tools that can help you to receive all the news that you are interested in just with one click.

Google reader is one of them. It’s free, it’s online and it’s easy to use.

Have you ever heard of RSS? It’s the easiest way to subscribe to a blog, news website etc.images Usually you can find the link from RSS next to this image. To be able to use Google Reader you will need a Google account. After clicking on the RSS link the only think is needed is to press on subscribe (via Google Reader) button and all the news from the website you are interested in will come to your GReader.



All your feeds will be available in the left side of the page and the content will be displayed on the right side.

You can also organize your feeds into folders



You can find more interesting things about Google Reader on , the official support page.

Don’t waste time and start subscribing to your favorite blogs and websites!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog:

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