Sunday 22 August 2010

Your Online Diary

Did you ever have a diary (at least when you where 7 years old?) to write your thoughts, or what happened to you? to write something that was exciting for you and you want to remember it for the rest of your life.
I am sure some you did. But after years these is a habit that you forgot. With all this work, studies, social media, TV you don’t have time to do something like that. There is no time to write your feelings, your thoughts, your ideas, even if it would be beneficial for you to remember all these things. is your new diary. It’s online, it’s easy to use, easy to write, easy to read, funny to remember  and most important private!
First step is to sing up.ohlife3
Then just answer to the mails that you will receive every day.
That’s all!! You have your new easy to use diary.
What do you think for this website? Tell me your opinion with your comments.
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Student Life

I had almost forgot how is to study. For the last two years I have been travelling around the world, working on project, organizing projects, coaching, promoting, recruiting… And suddenly my life changed again. I am back to my old routine (study, coffee, sleep, study, walk, shop, sleep, study etc…) and I was not sure if this routine is something that I want to do again… until I found my oasis: READING

Reading is great, because new world open to you, because you gain knowledge you would never gain from your friends or your parents, because it makes you think, become smarter, because it makes your imagination go crazy.

Becoming student again is one of the best things I could do at this moment, because I can use all my experience so far, broaden my knowledge, become a specialist in something (International Economics), help world become better from my position.

So what would be my advice to anybody out there?

  • Enjoy your student life, it will never come back
  • Study, you will never regret it cause it came make you only a better person
  • Find what is the thing that makes you move, laugh, be happy… It will be your motivation to do your best every day
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